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Xu, W., Xu, H., Li, K., Fan, Y., Liu, Y., Yang, X., & Sun, Q. (2017). The R-loop is a common chromatin feature of the Arabidopsis genome. Nature plants, 3(9), 704–714.

Xu, W., Li, K., Li, S., Hou, Q.C., Zhang, Y.S., Liu, K.P. and Sun, Q.W. (2020) The R-Loop Atlas of Arabidopsis Development and Responses to Environmental Stimuli. Plant Cell, 32, 888-903.

Liu, Y., Liu, Q., Su, H., Liu, K., Xiao, X., Li, W., Sun, Q., Birchler, J. A., & Han, F. (2021). Genome-wide mapping reveals R-loops associated with centromeric repeats in maize. Genome research, 31(8), 1409–1418.

Xiao, Q., Huang, X., Zhang, Y., Xu, W., Yang, Y., Zhang, Q., Hu, Z., Xing, F., Sun, Q., Li, G. et al. (2022) The landscape of promoter-centred RNA-DNA interactions in rice. Nat Plants, 8, 157–170.

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